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After being in a car accident a little over a year ago I have had a constant headache. Finally about 2 days ago I found out why. I have a brain Cyst. My neurologist said that after a head injury it is normal for some to have a cyst develop on their brain. health insurance medical insurance private health insurance health insurance plans health insurance quotes cheap health insurance affordable health insurance health care healthcare blue cross health insurance companies individual health insurance As I said before I have had a constant headache for over a year. But that's not all. I was diagnosed about 6 months ago with neuropathy a condition that caused numbness on my right side and the inability to grasps things. With a combination of carpel Tunnel. Well about two weeks ago I started having nose bleeds and bleeding from my right ear (which has always given me trouble) I went back to my neurologist and he sent me for more MRI's and CT Scans no result basically saying he didn't know. But he said that I could go through some more testing which trust me is painful. affordable health care health care plans private medical insurance blue shield family health insurance private health care healthcare insurance best health insurance medical insurance plans medical insurance companies health insurance policy low cost health insurance I went back a few days later (after my insurance was PA) for a dye test. They hooked an IV into the artery in my neck and as the dye went through my veins took x-rays of the dye flow through my Brain. Thats when they found the cause of all my problems. I have an inoperable Brain Cyst that has developed on the underside of my brain. It is building pressure on my head. Which in turn is causing the headaches. buy health insurance private insurance individual health insurance plans cheap medical insurance medical insurance quotes health plan blue cross insurance personal health insurance insurance plans health cover group health insurance health benefits Once the pressure is to a point that I can't stand it any longer I bleed out the nose and ear. Finally a cause, but now that's more worries. One thing they say I shouldn't worry about is the fact that its not cancer. But they don't have this problem I do, I have kids to think about. Who are they to say don't worry. This after telling me I have a Cyst in my brain. I did research on the topic and heres what I found out. Brain cysts are caused by trauma from hits to the head. Most can be removed through a surgical procedure while some (in my case) can't due to the location. In affect it being inoperable it can cause bleeding, Lose of vision, Neuropathy, and a wide range of other health conditions. The worst being death. On the bright side there are treatments, that in about 35% of the people who are treated, that help. I started treatment but not sure if I am in the 35% group and won't know for at least a month. I was told that it will take that long for the Medication to began working. It is designed to shrink and in some cases cure the cysts. Although people with Brain cysts can be treated with either surgery or medications there is a 60% chance they will return. medical health insurance best private health insurance get health insurance health insurance plans for family i need health insurance health coverage private health insurance companies My family don't know I can't bring myself to tell them. My husband is the only one that knows. I am close to them and don't want them worrying I feel like I am alone most of the time. Even though my husband is supportive. He thinks I should tell them. But They already worry about me more then they should so I don't say anything. I have a sister who I am really close to but how can I tell her. I don't get to talk to her much she lives in another state and we have grown apart. And she have problems of her own. So I keep quiet. supplemental health insurance blue cross blue shield insurance national health insurance blue cross blue shield health insurance health insurance coverage private health insurance plans.